The Rising Popularity of Rare Gemstones

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in interest in rare gemstones. As consumers become more educated about the jewelry market, the allure of unique, lesser-known stones is captivating both collectors and casual buyers alike. The shift towards these gemstones reflects broader trends in consumer preferences, including a desire for individuality, ethical sourcing, and investment potential. This article explores the reasons behind this rising popularity, highlights some ex ceptional rare gemstones, and offers guidance on how to navigate this exciting market. What Are Rare Gemstones? Rare gemstones are defined by their scarcity and unique characteristics. Unlike more common gemstones like diamonds or sapphires, rare stones often originate from specific geographical locations and are available in limited quantities. Their rarity can arise from geological conditions, color, size, or unique inclusions that set them apart from their more common counterparts. Some examples include...

Three Top Tips for Overcoming Self Doubt andTrusted Gems to Help you Achieve it


Self-doubt pic

Self-doubt is the act of having uncertain feelings about your aspects. It is a habit that almost every person encounters. 

Self-doubt is quite a complex feeling that, if not dealt with, could eat you up right from the inside, leaving you worthless on the outside. 

That inner voice that is always making up negative conclusions whenever you are trying to chase something or getting a better version of yourself could be the reason why you haven't got any positive results despite putting in a lot of effort and time. 

Sounds familiar?

You are not alone. There could be light at the end of the tunnel. This article will be showing the three main tips to overcome self-doubt and recommend gemstones that will walk you through the healing process and help you live happily, chase your dreams and gain good self-esteem. 

The three main tips that prevent self-doubt are:

  1. Avoid comparing yourself to others
  2. Be thankful for the little you have
  3. Practice self-consciousness

Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison image

Comparing yourself to others is one possible way of unlocking your mind to all the doubts within yourself. 

Unfortunately, it is even getting more immense today since social media propels it on every one of us.

Sites like Instagram, Facebook, and many more have caused many people to lose focus because people there only post about their happy moments or achievements. 

Nobody ever posts about their scuffles. Besides, the last thing you want to do is compare yourself to someone you know very well won't help you in any way or the other.

Reason being, if they can help you with anything like knowledge of how they achieved something or tips of how to be exactly like them, you will win, but if they can't, it is not worth it. It will only leave you with self-doubts.

Comparing yourself to others breaks you more by leaving you less motivated, discouraged and impact low self-esteem that will drive nothing but failure in your life.

For example, Gayle R. (2006) carried out a research study that focused on body image self-discrepancy as moderator and social comparison as mediator in the effects on women from thin-ideal images in the media and the results from this studywere not different from what I just explaine here above.

In his article, he stated that female with high and low body image self-disparity became depressed, there self-esteem lowered, and body dissatisfaction increased once they ere exposed to thin-ideal advisements.

Gems that Tackle Comparing yourself to others

As I said earlier, a mind that is so much obsessed with comparing yourself to everyone you see out there attracts nothing but sadness and depression. 

Here are some stones that will help you deal with such a situation: 

  • Citrine
  • Moonstone


Citrine stone

Citrine stone is grouped under quartz, and it is believed to bring about joy and positivity in someone's life. 

It helps boost confidence every time you wear it and triggers only positive thoughts in your system. 

This will significantly keep you secure from any degrading or undermining ideas that would probably pop up each time you see someone you think are better than you in any way or the other.


Moonstone pic

Moonstone is the kind of gemstone that wouldn't miss on everyone's gems collection board since it possesses powers that are known to unfold new beginnings. 

The stones bond with you when you wear them or hold them while you meditate and release positive energy that helps to boost self-belief and self-confidence. 

This kind of energy is enough to prevent you from negative thoughts your mind might make up. 

Be Grateful for the Little you have

Grateful pic

Being thankful for anything you have prompts your mind to believe in yourself and builds trust in you that you're capable of adding more to make it better. 

It will make you ambitious and at the same time contented with whatever you have. 

You can never have self-doubts when you know how hard it took you to accomplish something and the value it brings to your life. 

You will often look back and beat self-doubts with the actual proof of whatever you own or attained. 

Adler (2002; Adler & Fagley, 2001) argued that being appreciative brings about a feeling of well-being and it puts you in the mood where you feel you are completely satisfied with life. They also said that apprecaiting what you have creates a feeling of connection to whatever we have, to what we're going through and life itself.

Gems that prevent you from Ungratefulness


Amethyst pic

Amethyst is a stone that is usually used in meditation. It affirms your mind into a state where only positivity can flow in. 

Amethyst's energy helps you be thankful for everything going on around you and moulds you into seeing the good out of every situation. 


Hiddenite stone deals with renewing lost hope. It contains energy that brightens up your mood, knocks out anxiety and lets you appreciate the path you chose. 

This kind of energy will prevent you from feeling like nothing in the world is enough.

Practice self-consciousness

Self-consciousness is an essential and effective exercise you will ever learn. It is a possible way of dealing with anything bothering you—be it physical or emotional. 

Self-consciousness is scientifically proven to be effective in giving you the ability to control your world.

Medidation is the exercise you would give to your brain

If correctly mastered, you can gain the ability to identify the negative voices that sometimes pop up in your mind without you realizing it. 

Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., a psychologist and clinical assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine, states that this act will enable you to question your doubts and figure out the impacts they bring to you.

The gem to Increase Self-consciousness

Blue Apatite

This stone helps you erase all the past bad experiences that happened to you, which keep on spoiling your vibe. 

You can't be happy when your inner self is full of bad memories, so Blue Apatite is the most suitable go-to for this kind of help. 

Blue apatite gem


Self-doubts can be troubling to yourself and your productivity at work and can do more harm to your life.

If you have tried several methods of getting rid of this distressing habit, it would be good to get a psychologist's assistance to help you out. Don't assume self-doubts because a healthy mind is a healthy body.


  Bessenoff, G. R. (2006). Can the Media Affect Us? Social Comparison, Self-Discrepancy, and the Thin Ideal. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30(3), 239–251.

Adler, M. G., & Fagley, N. S. (2005). Appreciation: Individual differences in finding value and meaning as a unique predictor of subjective well‐being. Journal of personality73(1), 79-114.


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