10 Most Expensive And Valuable Black Gemstones

Colour: a very important factor that can miraculously boost the value of your stone. I wonder what would the gem market look like if there were only one species of colour in gems, boring! You can tell that by the numerous different colours of jewels made of gems that the late Queen used to wear on various occasions. Unlike all the gorgeous blue, yellow, pink, etc, coloured gems, black ones aren't that popular. Very few people inquire about them and the reason has to be about popularity. I think people know so little about them or probably they just haven't been pushed to the table that much. Regardless of the reason, this article has got a record of black valuable gems that might surprise you with their elegance, worth, properties and other practical benefits that you didn’t know about. What's nicer than having a stunning black gem halo on the hand of your spouse?   Black Gemstones - FAQs What is the   most precious black stone? Black opal is the most precious

The Shocking Revelation of How To Become A Gem Dealer.

Becoming a gems dealer is something that many people think falls in the same category as rocket science; I assure you that it is as easy as it sounds.

Dealing with gems can be one great way to your financial freedom, but first, what are gemstones?

Gemstones are minerals, and rocks that turn into beautiful jewelry when cut and polished.

They are mainly grouped into two categories that are precious and non-precious gems.

These gorgeous sparklies have many values they contribute to people and the earth. 

For example, gems are used to make jewelry; they are used as particular objects that treat many mental and physical diseases.

They are also used in electronic devices as some gems are good electrical insulators. Gems are also used for business.

These factors make gemstones precious substances that ever exist in this world.

The truth never told before

How do you want to become a gems dealer?

Becoming a gems dealer isn't hard, but it depends on the category of gems dealers you would want to join.

In my understanding, I believe there are five categories of gems dealers, namely:

  • Gems sellers
  • Gems healers
  • Gems experts/teachers
  • Gems manufacturers
  • Gems miners
  • Gems cutters/ Lapidarists

Note: No matter what kind of gems you want to become, it all comes down to money as the primary goal.

Gemstones Sellers

These are the kind of people who buy gems for sale. They do so by traveling to different places searching for different types of gemstones.

That is because different places have got various deposits of gem mines.

Without a doubt, technology made everything more straightforward, so some gems sellers don't have to travel; they do it online. 

But still, they fall under this category.

Gems for money

Gems Healers

These groups of people are more seen as shamans. That is so because they use the power that lies in these sparklies to connect to your spiritual system and heal several negative vibes in you.

Gems healers possess almost every crystal that can heal anything humans face. 

That's why they are so vital in today's world, where everything is trying to make you sick. 

Professional gems healers not only heal you, but they can guide you on how to get the best out of gems and help you choose the best gemstones to deal with your demons. They are sometimes known as gemstones god.

Shaman image

Gems Experts/teachers/tutors

This is the category of gems dealers that deal specifically with teaching about gems. 

They could be professors at geology institutes, online gemology teachers, or even bloggers like me who write about gems.

This category of gems dealers has the necessary information and skills to fall under this category.

Gem Tutors

Gems manufacturers

Gem manufacturers are gems dealers who spend hours studying and creating different gemstones in labs. 

They study chemical compounds of natural gems and come up with exact gem counterfeits. 

They play a vital role because sometimes natural gems are so expensive that they leave you with a choice of at least buying cheaper ones, synthetic gems.

Gems Miners

This group of gem dealers is explicitly found in the mining grounds.

They are the people who dig deep into the earth tracing good gem deposits and coming out with gems that the world enjoys.

This category is the hardest among gems dealers since it involves a lot of physical work, sometimes fatal.

However, don't be carried away by these gem dealer categories because you can choose every category mentioned above if you want.



Lapidaries are people who specifically deal with gem cutting and polishing to turn them into more valuable objects such as jewelry, cabochons, and so on. 

Lapidary is not like walking in the park, but it can be achieved if effort and interest are incurred in learning it.

There are short courses that can be only three months, and those that go up to a whole year, it all depends on what you want.

People who do gems as business often find themselves seeking lapidarist's assistance because that's where gems gain more value or lose it. They sometimes go as far as making jewelry such as gem earrings

Cut stone

What should you do to become a gemstone dealer of your choice?

The first step you should take to being a gems dealer is familiarizing yourself with the gems.

It could include taking up gemstone classes. It is easy to access education about anything in today's world. 

Online classes are all over the internet; some of them are free. Books have been written about gems that provide crucial information you might need in your journey.

Great articles are published on many websites that might ease your journey—Use this information to make an important decision to help you succeed.

But, if you want to do gems as a business, I have more important information you might need to know before taking any steps.

Gems for Business/ Gem sellers

Money picture

First, you need to know where you will get your gems. 

Whether you're going to do it online or physically traveling, knowing where your gemstone comes from is a very crucial thing.

It helps you build trust with your suppliers and gather information about your gems.

Secondly, get to know which gemstones are valuable. I don't mean the value in terms of quality and roles a gem offers, but I mean value in worthiness.

All gemstones are valuable at a certain point,  but not all gems are worth spending money on if your main goal is to make real money from gemstones.

For instance, tourmaline is a costly gemstone, but black tourmaline is nearly worthless in terms of business. Sapphire stones are expensive, but green sapphires are cheap. 

Knowing the worth of a stone before purchasing it can save a lot of unexpected losses and so much more.

Figure out the stones on demand. Businesses tend to have seasons, and so does gem business.

The stone you are stocking now might not be the stone on the market next month or year. So knowing the stones that sell fast can increase your wallet size.

Also, knowing which stones are on-demand saves you the trouble of wasting time and money traveling to places and coming back with stones that might sell next year or more than that. 

That is because it can slow down your business growth.

A gems business dealer should distinguish between natural and artificial gems. This little trick prevents you from making bad business mistakes, like mistaking a synthetic gemstone for a natural one. 

Some gem suppliers try to rip you off by selling you artificial stones, which could ruin your business.

You should know how to use gem equipment such as a loupe, refractometer, etc. This equipment shouldn't miss in your bag since they hold the importance of identifying the quality and type of gems you are buying. 

How do you Make More Money with Gems? Retail or Whole Selling them?

I'm glad you asked. This is a vital question that any gems business dealer must be asking themselves. 

Although retailing and whole selling gems can make you as much money as you want, choosing one over the other depends on how you apply them in your business. 

One of them must be better than the other, and I will explain the details in simple, understandable ways.

Let's begin with weight. In the gemstone business, weight matters a great deal. The minimum weight of a gemstone worth buying is 2 carats. That is to an ambitious gems seller. 

That is because that stone size could fit the cutting and make jewels like romantic rings, earrings, and many more.

However, that doesn't mean that stones less than 2 carats are worthless or valueless. They certainly play many other roles in jewel making and different values of gems.

In fact, there are much more expensive stones under 1-carat weight.

If you went to a mine or gems market and found that only underweight (below 2 carats) are the ones available, then I would suggest you buy them in bulk.

That is from 50gms and above. That is the only way you can make some good money from them since such stones only make you a significant sum of money when bought in bulk.

But, if the mine has got all sorts of sizes of the gem, then you are much better off when you purchase two 0r more suitable-sized gems (2+ carats) and call it a day.

To make it a bit more understandable, you can show up at a gems market and come out with only three gems that weigh 2+ carats and still make much more money than someone who bought 50 grams of underweight stones.

Both alternatives are good, but I think weight makes one of them better than the other, and of course, not forgetting the gem's quality.

Cut or Uncut? Which Gems Make More Money?

The stones to make you more money are the cut ones in the gems business. It is not that rough ones are worthless. It's cut stones you should always go for when selling or buying gems.

That is because a cut stone indicates that all the necessary work has been done.

Rough stones need a little extra work to be more valuable, for example, cutting them into befitting shapes, polishing them to increase clarity, license for the stone, etc.

Sometimes stones reduce weight or break apart into pieces when they go through the process of cutting, so when it gets presented cut, then it's going to be worth the money.

Nevertheless, if you don't know how to cut crystals, I suggest looking for lapidaries to avoid unpredicted losses.

Some people do gem cutting as their carrier, so if you can't pay for a gem cutting course, then look for the experts.

How to Sell your Gems?

Just as other businesses in the 21st century are doing, selling your gems online is one of the fastest and easiest ways of making your business grow.

There are platforms explicitly created for gems selling, and it makes more sense if you use them to benefit your business. 

Online platforms like Shopify, Facebook, Pampillonia, a leading gems buyer, etc., could be of much importance for your business.

If that is hard or you find it not solving your problem, I suggest you go to jewelry sellers in your town. 

These people sometimes buy gemstones for jewelry making and, they have connections with potential gem clients that might be of benefit to you

It is the first step I used, so I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it if you are stuck.

Where to Buy Gems for Business? Gems Markets or Mining Grounds?

I feel like this question depends on what you are looking for. 

Gem's Market

Buying gems in a gems market has many advantages that might save you a lot of time, effort, and money.

For instance, gems in the market are clean. It means that they get cleaned before they show up on those shelves.

Gems in the market could sometimes be cut and polished; this saves you the hustle of cutting and polishing, especially if you are not familiar with it all.

Buying gems in the gems market creates a chance to access different gems in one place. 

Gems market saves time; you would have traveled from different mines looking for various gems. 

Making beneficial friendships with gems sellers in the gems market is also an advantage to build excellent working trust. 

You might find yourself not traveling anymore because you pay and everything is shipped to you over.

Gems $ jewelry store

Mining Grounds

Purchasing gems from the mining ground is relatively cheap compared to the stones from the gems market.

That's so because miners tend to sell them at lower prices because there are no brokers to add extra fees.

Gems directly from mines are easy to keep and trace their information since you don't need to ask any middleman for details about them.

Also, you get to explore different places as you search for gems. These trips will be fantastic for adventurous people. The job turns into fun, which is one of everybody's goals. 

Mining grounds

So what kind of gem dealer would you want to become? Feel free to comment and tell us what you think about any of the types of gems dealing stated in this article. 


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