The Rising Popularity of Rare Gemstones

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in interest in rare gemstones. As consumers become more educated about the jewelry market, the allure of unique, lesser-known stones is captivating both collectors and casual buyers alike. The shift towards these gemstones reflects broader trends in consumer preferences, including a desire for individuality, ethical sourcing, and investment potential. This article explores the reasons behind this rising popularity, highlights some ex ceptional rare gemstones, and offers guidance on how to navigate this exciting market. What Are Rare Gemstones? Rare gemstones are defined by their scarcity and unique characteristics. Unlike more common gemstones like diamonds or sapphires, rare stones often originate from specific geographical locations and are available in limited quantities. Their rarity can arise from geological conditions, color, size, or unique inclusions that set them apart from their more common counterparts. Some examples include...

Amber Crystal Information Assortment

Amber is a unique gem that has been around for years, and it is among the gems that ancient people made jewellery from consistently. Amber's essence is the inclusions it encompasses, mainly insects, water, and other substances. Amber gems result from the resin or paste of the old pine tree.

Amber is majorly valuable in making jewellery, nothing more than that. The most valuable amber stones are the ones with clearly noticeable insects inside, colours, or plant materials. The stones usually ensue in small sizes; larger ones are rare.

Amber gems

Is Amber a Fossil?

Amber stone is not a fossil despite being called a fossilized resin since fossils form when animals or plants are buried in the ground. 

The fossil's organic fabric slowly turns into elements from the mineral kingdom as time gets on. Amber doesn't go through such circumstances since the resin is chemically altered into polymer or plastic.

Types of Amber

Amber is classified according to its appearance, clarity, massive, fancy, cloudy, frothy, fatty, bony, etc. Some amber is found in the sea, under the sea, and another is dug up from the ground. 

How to Identify amber's characteristics


Pine trees' sticky resin tangles insects and other organics that come in contact with the trees. This makes the stone an outstanding gem since the view of life inside it is impressive. 

Nonetheless, not only do insects get trapped in these gems, some materials, such as pollen and plants, are very tiny to recognize, and some are big such as termite colonies.

People try to induce inclusions in amber, but this kind of stone isn't valuable as a genuinely good quality amber with an insect inside it (Amber Value, Price, and Jewelry Information, n.d.)

How to test amber

The Amber testing strategy is the susceptible one among the gem testing techniques. Rub the stone actively on a piece of wool until there is some tiny ash. 

If the stone gets very warm, a nice fragrance comes out of it; if it doesn't, it is unnatural. This is a chronological way of testing amber.

Another scientific way is the SG test (specific gravity), which might help you discern plastic amber imitations. Boil water and add so much salt to it. 

Let it dissolve wholly. Put the stone in the water, and the density will be about 1.3 with a 1.08 SG. Real amber will float on this solution, and plastics will sink. A few plastics have a lower density than amber, usually if they have air bubbles. 

Other Tests

It is not crucial to conduct these tests, but if you have to, then why not. Amber and plastics have an (RI) of 1,540, which is not worth chasing. 

The required step here is quite harmful; if not done carefully, it can leave visible marks on your stone.

The first step is marking a point on your stone. A spot with an already existing mark on your stone would be better. 

Next will be heating a needle on a fire source until its tip is red hot. Stick the needle to the selected spot on your stone and smell the smoke that will occur. Plastics smell chemicals and unpleasant scents, but if it's genuine, you will find the smoke pleasing.

Rough amber stone

How to distinguish amber from copal

Amber and copal share similar properties, such as RI, SG, and others, but copper will fluoresce whiter than amber under ultraviolet light. Test as many ambers and plastics to stand firm with this judgment. 

With the assistance of acetone, amber and copal can be distinguished quite easily. Look for an affected area or a cracked one, or you can make one on your stone and drop acetone on the spot. 

Wait for about 3 seconds and clean it off; the copal's surface will be damaged by acetone, while ambers will have little or no sign (Amber Value, Price, and Jewelry Information, n.d.)

Synthetic Amber

Synthetic amber is called an abroad, and it is created by fusing little portions of amber under heat and pressure. Other counterfeits can be glass and plastic. Fake amber will lose its colour to white as it ages, while genuine one will darken to a very attractive red-brown colour.

How to enhance amber stones

Enhancing amber stones is easy; heating them darkens them to eye-catching colours and can also create star spangles inside the stone. Amber can also be dyed to other desired colours, and it is so common today, as the article Amber Value, Price, and Jewelry Information by Joel E. and Donal C. states.

How do you care for your amber stone?

If you have got amber on your ring, the things you are to avert are solvents and alcohol; these two dissolve the stone. 

It would be best if you were comprehensive when doing difficult tasks requiring physical effort and avoiding heat and chemicals.

Use warm water, a clean cloth, and some detergent to clean the stone carefully to clean the stone.

What is an amber stone good for?

Amber, for centuries, has been traditionally used to heal memory loss and enhance mental variability, and it has been believed to aid someone in making good decisions in life.

The stone has a history of being used as a talisman for boldness and self-esteem. It is believed to cause good luck to fighters and warriors on battlegrounds.

Is amber stone so expensive?

A good amber stone with clear and visible insects can cost $20 - $40. 000 depending on many factors such as inclusions, weight, and clarity

Natural amber stone

Is amber a spiritual stone?

Historically, amber was pertained to as "the soul of the tiger," and it was further named the stone of courage. Amber is usually given to travellers and fighters as a character of protection, which is the spiritual connotation of the amber stone.

Is amber a rare gem?

Amber transpires in many colours, but the rarest one is the amber that fluoresces blue, green or violet tints under fluorescence. It is found all over the world.


Amber Value, Price, and Jewelry Information. (n.d.). International Gem Society.


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